User guide / Backing up your data

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Regular backup of the database needed:
  • To facilitate the recovery of information in the cases of the wrong change or remove counters and indications;
  • To reduce the likelihood of data loss in the event of a failure of internal memory;
  • To reduce the likelihood of data loss in case you lose your mobile device. This would require to store backup files from the SD card to any external storage device. For example: computer hard drive, removable SD card;
  • And also allow without too much difficulty to migrate data from version FREE to version PRO. This is discussed in the article "The transition from version FREE to version PRO".

To create a backup copy of the database:
  1. In the list of counters click on the menu item "Backup";
  2. Confirm the operation.

As a result, the database file will be copied to an SD card in the directory: /sdcard/CountersPRO/Backup

The name of the new file backup is assigned according to the following pattern  yyyy-MM-dd_hhmmss.cpro, where:
yyyy - year;
MM - month ;
dd - day ;
hh - hour ;
mm - minute;
ss - second;
.cpro - file extension, short name of Counters PRO.

Note: Backup stored as a SQLite database file. Information about counters stored in the table "Counters". Information about indications stored in the table "Indications". To avoid errors when restoring data, do not make changes to the structure and the information contained in the file backup.

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